BTS new album 'Her' track list public .. 9 songs

BTS mini album "LOVE YOURSELF" 'Her' track list through official fan cafe and SNS channel at 0:00 on the 13th.

In the public track list image, there are nine titles including <Intro: Serendipity>, <DNA>, <MIC Drop>, and <Goin Goin> Go>, which were previously released through the comeback trailer video.

Photo: Bulletproof Boys' new album 'Her' Tracklist / Big Hit Entertainment

Especially, this album contains the collaboration song "Best Of Me" with Chain Smokers and the skit track "Skit: Billboard Music Awards Speech".

The BTS will release LOVE YOURSELF 'Her', which shows the love of young people who fall in love through the online music source site at 6 pm on the 18th.

On the other hand, BTS Association will open the 'BTS COMEBACK SHOW' at 8:30 pm at the Mnet on the 21st, and release the new album for the first time. The 'Comeback Show' will be broadcast live online all over the world.

"Hallyu goddess" Lim Yoon-ae, an ambulance theater + Wide smoke spectral demonstration through screen

Yoon-A (Yoon A), a member of Girls 'Generation of Girls' Generation and actor, is actively performing as a representative actress in the 20's.

Lim Yoon-ae is currently performing in the MBC Wall TV drama 'The King loves you', a solo actress who plays the role of heroine, Kim Young-woong It is the eye of the eye.

In particular, Lim Yoon-a, in his first solo performance in Korea, made a reaction in his work, Nam-jang and action shinshwa, and a fierce and charming appeal, as well as the reaction of Koryo ga crush, Confusion in relationships, mother's revenge, and sadness that can not be controlled before the death of her father, are deeply expressive and attract the eye.

Photo: Girls' Generation Yoon Ah (Lim Yoon Ah), MBC, SM Entertainment

Also, in his screen debut, "Hyeonjo", released in January of this year, Lim Yoon-ae plays the role of "Park Min-young" in Kang Jin-tae's (Hwanjinjin), transformed into an unreasonable character expressing his unrequited love for Im Seung- It was popular as a new stirrer to double the fun of the drama by introducing 'Yim-a-Ra'

In addition, the TVN drama 'The K2', which was broadcasted last September, appeared in "Anna", the hidden daughter of a powerful ruler. In the dark and weak figure of living as a secluded person, It has delicately played and gained the sympathy of viewers.

'Lingerie Girls' Generation' Jung Hee 4th Army, Sweatshirt wearing a military? "Accredited Certification"

KBS 2TV New Moon TV drama "Lingerie Girls' Generation" (written by Yoon Kyung-a, directed by Hong Suk-koo) is the top of the real-time search query portal after the first broadcast this week, and hot topics such as hot topics, Byeon-kyung, who is a friend of Hyejae, Ahnju, Hyeonhee, Byeonjae, Seojaesul, Bangsujin, and Baek Eun-kyeong 'Jung Hee 4'

In the open photo, 'Jung Hee 4' is taking a cute pose together with a clear smile. Armed with cuteness and loveliness that robs their eyes, they are like a long-time favorite, and they are putting their best friendship photographs on their faces and are raising their expectations for their fantastic breathing in the drama.

Photo: 'Lingerie Girls' Generation' Bona Seo Yeon Wang Su Jin / Baek Eun Kyung / FNC Adculture

Particularly, wearing red gym clothes and holding one leg is reminiscent of a pretty flamingo, attracting more eye catching attention. Without anyone's suggestion, if you look at the camera, you are naturally a girl who is in the same pose and takes a picture of you.

The 4-guns, who are short-lived, but will be able to meet each other as soon as they meet, will create a cheerful atmosphere, such as playfulness in the photos that are revealed each time, and will energize the entire shooting scene. Chung Hee 4, who is tied with strong individuality and strong friendship, is expected to add vitality and fun to the drama with its refreshing appeal in reality and of course.

Big Bang sun, six city tour successful "unforgettable memories"

The sun rose to the stage of 'THE WILTERN' in Los Angeles, USA on December 12 (local time) and communicated with fans. This marks the end of a six-city US tour from New York, Chicago, Atlanta, Dallas and San Jose to finally Los Angeles. 

The stage started with 'RINGA LINGA', and it led to the audience 's cheering by singing Mega - hits' Only Look at Me', 'I NEED A GIRL', 'Dawn of the Hour', 'eyes, nose and mouth'. 

In addition, the album also included a song from Sun's new solo album "WHITE NIGHT" with the same name as the world tour. 'WAKE ME UP', 'NAKED', and 'Empty Road' have proved once again the global influence of the sun in the fans who are passionately responding to the new song. 

Big Bang sun, six city tour successful "unforgettable memories"

Sun said, "It was the hardest time of the tour so far, so I had a hard time, but I had memories that were too valuable and unforgettable." "I am so thankful to the fans who waited for me in such a remote place, I want to arrange it, "he said. 

Big Bang sun, six city tour successful "unforgettable memories"

In particular, special events were held on this day. 'Ysabelle Cuevas', the protagonist of the 'Wake me up' cover image, where the sun reborn directly on the instagram, It came up on stage. Isabel climbed to the end of the encore and gained an unusual opportunity to decorate the soles of the sun. It was a memorable experience for the audience and for the protagonist who was on stage.

Big Bang sun, six city tour successful "unforgettable memories"

Meanwhile, Sun, who has successfully completed the six-city US tour, will continue the world tour on Vancouver's 'The ORPHEUM' on the 14th and 15th (local time).

연남동서 한채영 진지희와 한끼줍쇼

13일 방송된 JTBC <한끼줍쇼>에는 영화 <이웃집 스타> 출연배우 한채영과 진지희가 출연했다. 두 사람은 연남동에서 한 끼에 도전했다.

이날은 밥동무를 직접 맞추는 ‘히든 밥동무’를 진행했다. 이경규와 강호동은 자기소개와 개인기 등을 보고 한채영과 진지희를 맞추는데 성공했다.

MBC <지붕뚫고 하이킥>에서 귀여웠던 소녀가 벌써 고3이라는 것에 놀라워했다. 한채영은 이경규에게 “동국대 후배”라고 밝혔다. 이 사실을 모르던 이경규는 “내가 졸업생 동문회 회장이다. 내가 동문을 알았어야 하는데 모르고 있었다. 미안하다. 학교 망신”이라고 밝혀 웃음을 자아냈다.

5살 아들을 둔 아기 엄마지만 여전한 미모와 몸매를 자랑하는 한채영에 이경규는 “아기 엄마 같지가 않다. 그냥 바비다”고 놀라워했다. 진지희는 “5살이면 딱 제가 연기를 시작한 나이다”고 해 눈길을 끌었다.

연남동에 도착한 네 사람은 ‘연트럴파크’로 잘 알려진 경의선 숲길 공원을 찾았다. 공원에서 휴식을 취하던 시민부터 관광객까지 많은 이들과 만났다. 한채영은 자연스럽게 외국인 관광객들과 영어로 대화를 나눴다. 이 모습을 보던 이경규는 “내 후배다”라고 자랑스러워해 웃음을 자아냈다.

네 사람은 이경규와 한채영의 동문팀과 강호동 진지희의 아역팀으로 나뉘어 본격적인 한 끼 도전에 돌입했다.

한채영은 과연 높은 인지도를 자랑했다. 두 번째 집에서 바로 한끼 식사에 성공했다. “라면도 괜찮냐”는 집주인의 물음에 “정말 좋다”고 답하자 “들어오시라”고 선뜻 문을 열어주었다.

동문팀이 한 끼에 성공한 집은 젊은 부부와 장인어른이 살고 있는 집이었다. 두 부부는 마침 아주 간소하게 막 밥을 먹으려고 했다고 전했다.

한편 계속해서 한 끼에 도전하던 강호동과 진지희는 계속된 실패에 낙담했다. 부재중인 집을 방문하거나, 저녁을 이미 먹었거나 개인 사정 등으로 한끼에 계속해서 실패했다.

두 사람은 우연히 셰어하우스에 방문했다. 둘을 알아본 학생은 한걸음에 내려왔지만 “너무 좋지만 사장님에게 허락을 받아야 한다”고 미안함을 전했다.

아쉽게 발걸음을 돌리던 두 사람에게 학생이 다시 찾아왔다. 학생은 “사장님께 허락을 받았다. 그냥 쿨하게 하라 하더라”고 말했다. 부산에서 온 씩씩한 소녀와의 한끼는 웃음과 감동을 자아냈다.

마마무 접촉사고

14일 마마무 측 관계자는 다수의 매체를 통해 “병원 진단 결과 멤버들이 몸을 움직이는 데 거의 지장이 없는 상태다. 가벼운 찰과상을 입었다”며 마마무의 현재 상태를 알렸다.

이어 관계자는 “향후 마마무는 문제없이 스케줄 소화에 임할 것”이라고 전했다.

앞서 마마무는 지난 13일 오후 충청남도 천안에서 열린 행사에 참석하기 위해 이동하던 중 경미한 접촉사고를 당했으나 사고에도 멤버들은 무대에 오르겠다는 의지를 드러내 예정대로 공연을 마쳤다.

공연 후 마마무 멤버들은 곧바로 병원으로 이동해 치료를 받은 것으로 알려졌다.

스칼렛 요한슨 또 이혼

스칼렛 요한슨과 로메인 도리안은 지난 2014년 이혼 결심 후 오랜 기간 양육권 분쟁을 해오다 합의점에 도달했다.

미국 매체 페이지식스는 지난 13일(현지시간) 스칼렛 요한슨이 이혼했다고 보도했다. 보도에 따르면 로메인 도리안은 최근 뉴욕 맨하튼 대법원에 이혼과 양육권에 관한 합의서를 제출했다.

지난해부터 별거 생활에 들어간 두 사람은 딸 도로시의 양육권을 두고 분쟁을 벌여왔다. 스칼렛 요한슨은 딸의 양육권을 요청했으나 로메인 도리악은 변호사를 통해 "딸과 함께 프랑스로 돌아가기를 원한다"며 이를 거부했던 상황이다.

합의 내용은 공개되지 않으나 양육권 분쟁은 스칼렛 요한슨과 로메인 도리안이 이혼 후 비공식적 합의를 통해 주말마다 각자 아이와 시간을 보내기로 정리된 것으로 알려졌다.

단짠 데이트 14일 풀 앨범 공개

‘단짠 데이트’는 ‘러브 & 푸드(Love & Food)’를 주제로 한국과 싱가포르를 대표하는 인디씬의 실력파 싱어송라이터들이 참여한 프로젝트 앨범이다. 이날 발매되는 풀 앨범에는 앞서 싱글을 통해 공개된 8곡은 물론, 신곡 2곡이 추가돼 음악 팬들과 만난다.

‘단짠 데이트’ 새로운 곡의 주인공이자 마지막 주자는 한국은 물론 전 세계를 무대로 국내 인디음악을 소개하며 위상을 높이고 있는 싱어송라이터 최고은과 말레이시아 출신으로 중국, 대만 및 싱가포르를 주 무대로 활약하는 조이스 추가 선정됐다.

최고은의 ‘인생의 맛’은 ‘단짠 데이트’ 프로젝트의 끝맛을 장식할 타이틀곡으로 누구나 느낄 수 있는 세상의 모든 맛 중 가장 멋지고 아름다운 맛은 바로 “인생의 맛”이라는 메시지를 담았다.


조이스 추가 부른 트랙 ‘Malaysia Chabor’는 ‘말레이시아 여자입니다’라는 뜻으로 평소 한국인으로 많은 오해를 받는 본인의 경험이 녹아있는 곡이다.

‘단짠 데이트’는 음식과 사랑을 주제로 하여, 한국과 싱가포르를 대표하는 싱어송라이터들이 참여한 프로젝트로, 양국간의 문화교류 및 발전을 목적으로 한국콘텐츠진흥원과 싱가포르 국립청소년위원회의 지원을 통해 제작된 앨범이다.

이용부 전남 보성군수 뇌물 수수 혐의로 구속

광주지법 순천지원 김창모 영장전담 부장판사는 13일 오전 11시부터 이 군수에 대한 구속 전 피의자 심문(영장실질심사)을 진행한 뒤 이날 오후 8시쯤 "범죄가 소명되고 구속의 필요성이 인정된다"고 검찰이 이 군수에 대해 청구한 사전 구속영장을 발부했다.

앞서 광주지검 순천지청은 지난 11일 이 군수가 업체로부터 억대의 뇌물을 받은 혐의롤 잡고 사전 구속영장을 청구했다.

검찰은 이 군수가 측근 1명과 공모해 관급공사 수주 편의를 대가로 지역 업체 업자로부터 억대의 뇌물을 받은 것으로 보고 있다. 이 군수 측근 1명과 업자 1명 등 2명은 지난 4일 구속됐다. 이 군수는 지난 8일 피의자 신분으로 출석해 조사를 받았지만 업체로부터 억대의 뇌물을 받은 혐의를 전면 부인한 바 있다.

전 종편 MBN 조아라 아나운서는 SBS 조정식 아나운서의 동생

귀여운 외모에 통통튀는 매력을 가지고 있는 전 종편 MBN 조아라 아나운서가 SBS 조정식 아나운서와 남매 사이라고 합니다.

조아라 아나운서는 성균관대 연기예술학과를 졸업했습니다.

1993년생으로 25살(만으로 24살???)입니다.

2015년에 MBN에 입사를 했으며, 스포츠 아나운서와 뉴스 아나운서 모두에서 활동한 것으로 보입니다.

현재는 퇴사를 한 것으로 알려져 있습니다. 이른 나이에 퇴사를 했네요.

전 MBN 조아라 아나운서 활약하는 모습

MBN 스포츠야 진행하는 조아라 아나운서 모습

강용석 관련 뉴스 전하는 조아라 아나운서 모습

최순실 관련 뉴스 전하는 모습

김현중 관련 뉴스 전하는 모습

(구새봄 아나운서 프로필 여 아나운서 구새봄 아나운서 여 아나운서 음주 음주운전 종편 아나운서 여자 아나운서 음주운전 스포츠 아나운서 mbc 스포츠 아나운서 미국 운전면허 조정식 조아라 조아라 기상캐스터 조아라 조정식 아나운서 조정식의 펀펀투데이 조정석 조아라 아나운서 식디 sbs 모닝와이드 아나운서)

전 종편 MBN 조아라 아나운서 음주운전 논란 이창명 관련 뉴스 전하는 모습

참고로 조아라 기상캐스터는 OBS에서 활동하고 있는 기상캐스터로 조아라 아나운서와는 동명이인입니다.

하지만 두 분 모두 미모는 뛰어나다는 공통점이...

아나운서 음주운전 왜 도주를 선택했나?

현재 회사를 퇴사한 것으로 알려진 종합편성채널 출신 전직 여성 아나운서가 음주운전 사고를 내고 도주를 저지르다 경찰에 붙잡혔습니다. 사실상 뺑소니 범행을 시도한 셈.

아나운서 음주운전은 이 때문에 주요 포털 핫이슈 키워드로 등극했으며, 누리꾼들의 갑론을박 역시 뜨겁다. 대부분 이 아나운서에 대한 비판적 의견글을 개진 중이다. 트위터 등을 통해 해당 아나운서의 실명도 이미 거론되고 있어 마녀사냥 가능성도 제기되고 있다.

각종 언론보도 등에 따르면 서울 강남경찰서는 전 종편 아나운서 A씨(24)를 도로교통법 위반 혐의 등으로 불구속 입건했다고 13일 밝혔다. A씨는 이날 새벽 1시께 서울 강남구 관세청사거리에서 술을 마시고 운전을 하다 신호를 위반해 오토바이 운전자 B씨를 들이받은 혐의다.

사고 당시 A씨의 혈중알코올농도는 면허취소에 해당하는 0.175에 달한 것으로 파악됐다. 특히 A씨는 사고를 낸 뒤 조치를 취하지 않고 200m를 달아났던 것으로 알려졌다. 현장을 목격한 경찰은 곧바로 추격 끝에 A씨를 붙잡아 불구속 입건했다.

한편 A씨는 현재 회사를 퇴사한 것으로 파악됐다

문재인 대통령, 2017 세계시민상(Global Citizen Awards) 수상

아틀랜틱 카운슬은 14일(현지시간) 홈페이지에 올해 세계시민상 수상자를 공개하면서 문 대통령, 저스틴 트뤼도 캐나다 총리, 중국 피아니스트 랑랑을 선정했다고 밝혔다. 2010년 제정된 세계시민상은 대서양 연안 국가 관계 증진에 역량을 발휘하고 민주주의 발전에 기여한 글로벌 리더들에게 주어진다.

문재인 대통령은 이날 "이 상은 제 개인에게 주는 상이 아니라 촛불혁명으로 민주주의를 지켜낸 한국 국민께 드리는 것이라고 본다. 국민께 감사드리고 영광을 돌린다"고 수상 입장을 밝혔다고 청와대는 전했다.

아틀랜틱 카운슬은 문 대통령에 대해 "적폐를 근절하는(eradicating deep-rooted problems) 강도 높은 개혁 정책을 추진하고 있다"면서 북핵 위기 대응과 일자리 창출을 위한 노력들을 설명했다.

문 대통령은 18~22일 유엔(UN) 총회 참석차 미국 뉴욕을 방문하면서 세계시민상 시상식에 참석한다. 아틀랜틱 카운슬은 매년 유엔 총회가 열리는 주간에 저녁 만찬회를 겸한 시상식을 연다. 이 시상식에는 수상자뿐 아니라 미국 주요 당국자들, UN 외교관, 국제 기업인, 유명 음악인들이 참석한다.

문재인 정부 800만 달러 대북지원 검토

정부가 국제기구를 통해 북한의 모자보건 사업에 800만 달러를 지원하는 방안을 추진한다.

통일부 당국자는 14일 "유니세프와 WFP(세계식량계획) 등 유엔 산하 국제기구의 요청에 따라 800만 달러 대북지원 방안에 대해 21일 예정된 교류협력추진협의회에서 논의할 예정"이라고 말했다.

정부가 검토중인 방안은 WFP의 아동·임산부 대상 영양강화 사업에 450만달러, 유니세프의 아동·임산부 대상 백신 및 필수의약품, 영양실조 치료제 사업에 350만달러 공여 등 총 800만 달러 지원안이다.

이 당국자는 "구체적인 지원내역 및 추진 시기 등은 남북관계 상황 등 제반 여건을 종합적으로 고려해 결정할 것"이라고 말했다.

그는 '사실상 결정된 것 아니냐'는 질문에 "보통은 원안대로 가는 경우가 대부분이지만 수정되는 경우도 있어 예단해서 말하기는 어렵다"고 말했다.

이번 지원이 결정되면 문재인 정부 들어 첫 대북지원이다. 또 국제기구를 통한 대북지원은 2015년 12월 유엔인구기금(UNFPA)의 '사회경제인구 및 건강조사 사업'에 80만 달러를 지원한 이후 21개월 만에 재개되는 것이다.

남보라, 과거 성매매·스폰서 루머 해명

남보라는 13일 방송된 tvN '현장 토크쇼-택시'에 '집순아 놀자' 특집으로 배우 이태임과 함께 출연했다.

이날 방송에서는 스캔들에 대한 이야기가 나왔다. 남보라는 과거 성매매 루머에 휘말렸다고 밝혀 놀라움을 안겼다. 그는 "나를 둘러싼 성매매 루머가 돌았다. 리스트에 나도 있다고 하더라. 스폰서 루머도 돌았다"고 입을 열었다.

이어 "떳떳하게 살았다고 통장을 보여주고 싶었다. 그런데 루머가 무서운 게 내가 입을 닫고 있으니 다들 그걸 사실로 믿었다. 그게 제일 무서웠다"며 당시 심정을 털어놨다.

MC 이영자가 "본인이 직접 글을 써서 입장을 밝히지 않았냐"고 묻자 남보라는 "맞다. 현재 성매매 루머는 소송으로 대응하고 있다"고 답했다. 당당하게 맞서는 남보라의 모습에 이영자는 "잔 다르크 같다"고 표현하기도.

이태임, 다이어트 후유증 고백

13일 방송된 케이블채널 tvN 예능프로그램 <현장토크쇼 택시> ‘집순아, 놀자’ 편에는 배우 이태임과 남보라가 출연했다.

MC 이영자는 이태임에에게 “‘품위있는 그녀’ 출연 모습을 보니 몸무게를 너무 감량해 주름이 생겼더라”라며 안타까워했다. 이태임은 “주변 지인부터 대중까지 그 모습을 싫어하셨다. 그래서 많이 생각을 바꿨다. 다시 체중을 늘린 이유는 몸에 후유증이 생겼기 때문이다”라고 말했다.

이태임은 “귀가 잘 안 들렸고 쓰러지기도 했다. 또 수전증까지 왔다”라고 밝혀 충격을 줬다.

이영자는 “그런데 살을 왜 뺐냐”라고 물었고, 이태임은 “처음에는 오랜만의 출연이라 욕심을 냈다. 그래서 작정하고 빼다 보니 의욕이 과다했다”고 고백했다.

지나, 1년 7개월 만 심경 고백에 네티즌들 반응은?

지나가 1년 7개월 만에 심경을 고백하며 향후 방송 복귀를 암시하는 뉘앙스의 글을 남겼다. 원정 성매매 사건 후 오랜만에 근황을 알리는 지나의 글에도 대중은 싸늘한 반응을 보이고 있다.

지나는 13일 자신의 인스타그램에 "벌써 1년의 시간이 지났다. 지금까지 기다려주신 분들께 감사하다. 그 시간 동안 장애물과 큰 고통이 있었고, 루머도 있었지만 나를 믿고 따라준 팬들 덕에 포기하지 않았다"는 글을 올렸다.

이어 "다시 만나 곧 새로운 시작을 하고 싶다. 사랑하고, 보고 싶고, 감사하다. 다시 한 번 곁에 있어 줘서 감사하다"고 덧붙였다.

네티즌들은 지나의 심경 글에 "끊이지 않는 루머에 휩싸였다"고 표현하는 등 원정 성매매에 대한 사과나 해명 의지는 없어 보인다며 지적했다.

한편, 지나는 지난해 5월 해외 원정 성매매로 경찰에 입건되며 논란이 됐다. 지나는 2015년 주식 투자자를 포함한 2명과 3차례 성관계를 맺고 약 4000여만 원을 받은 혐의다.

실제 그를 포함해 피의자들이 대부분 혐의를 인정했고, 지나는 성매매 알선 등 행위의 처벌에 관한 법률을 위반한 혐의로 200만 원의 벌금형을 받았다.

Lee Jun-ki in Relationship with Fellow TV Star

Lee Jun-ki (left) and Jeon Hye-bin
Actor Lee Jun-ki admitted that he has been in a romantic relationship with actress Jeon Hye-bin, after years of denying their dating rumors, their agency said in a press release on Tuesday.
"Lee and Jeon started dating early last year. The two first met while shooting the period drama 'Gunman in Joseon' in 2014 and became close as they found much in common," the press release said.
Since rumors first surfaced that they're dating in 2014, they always denied them, saying they are close friends.

VIXX won the 'Hot Trend Group of the Year Award'

Photo: Bix / Jellyfish served
 Photo: VIXX / Jellyfish served
VIXX won the "Hot Trends Group of the Year" award at the Taiwanese V Chart Awards.

VIXX, who attended the 5th INSUE Thailand V Charting Awards held in Macao on August 8, won the 'Hot Trend Group Award' and proved popular as a global trend.

VIXX 's leader, "I thank the Thai people for their great fans and artisans. I can stand on the glorious stage and prepare for the stage, which is delightful and wonderful. " The main vocal Ken, in fluent Chinese, said, "It is a great honor to be with you. I appreciate and love Chinese stars. "

On the same day, VIXX has set a special stage for the Thai V charting awards. VIXX, who was on the stage, performed the title song "Fantasy" of the sixth single album "Hades" released last year, followed by Carl's dance, which captured the eyes of the audience. Bix has enthusiastically perfected his third mini-album, "The Closer," the title track of Kratos.

VIXX, considered to be a unique concept stone, has been rated as a concept stone and has evolved as an artist through the large-scale project "VIXX 2016 CONCEPTION", which took place over the past year.

Meanwhile, VIXX will be preparing the 'Big V V Festival' for the 5th anniversary of the formation of the group in May, preparing for a big comeback over the album, concert and exhibition. The exclusive concert 'VIXX Live Live Fantasia Daydream' will be held from May 12th to 14th at the Jamsil Indoor Gymnasium in Seoul.
BIGS won the 'Hot Trend Group of the Year Award'

BAP, US World Tour Start ... Atlanta Concert Great Prosperity

BAP, US World Tour Start ...  Atlanta Concert Great Pros / Photo: TS Provided
BAP, US World Tour Start ... Atlanta Concert Great Pros / Photo: TS Provided
BAP's World Tour Poem was held.

The BAP 2017 WORLD TOUR 'PARTY BABY!' Was held at the 'Cobb Energy Performing Arts Center' in Atlanta, Georgia, for educational and cultural purposes. - US BOOM "concert and got the hot response of the local fans and finished the performance about 120 minutes.

The concert, which started with dazzling DJing, added a passion for performances with BAP 's hit song medley, colorful stage, and event. BAP has unquestionably played the role of charity and communication with local fans with distinctive intense performance and charisma.

Fans who visited the venue called on the concert to sing along and actively enjoyed the concert and made BAP realize the global popularity again.

The BAP, which is expected to conclude the Atlanta concert successfully, is expected to visit fans in New York, Washington DC, Chicago, Dallas and Los Angeles.

Taeyeon holds solo concert 'Persona' on May 3

Taeyeon, solo solo concert "Persona" held on May 3 / Photo: SM
 Taeyeon, solo solo concert 'Persona' held on May 3 / Photo: SM
Taeyeon told the news of the concert.

On September 7, SM Entertainment said, "Taeyeon will hold TAEYEON solo concert" PERSONA "(Tae Yeon solo concert" Persona ") at the Olympic Hall in Seoul Olympic Park for three days from May 12 to 14. .

The concert title "Persona" was used as a word to express artist Tae-yeon with various musical aspects.

The concert will be held in Seoul, August, and Busan in August. The concert will be held in Hong Kong, Taipei, Bangkok and other venues.

Tae Yeon will be able to enjoy various musical sensibilities and colorful charms of 'Tae Yeon,' which he believes in, by showing his first full-length album 'My Vocie' (My Boys) and live music with live performance and spectacular performance at the concert.

On the other hand, Taeyeon solo concert tickets to be held in May will be held at the reservation site YES24 ( starting at 8 pm on the 11th, and Happy Family tickets for family members and wheelchair tickets for the disabled It is possible from 10:00 am on the same day and anticipates intense reservation competition.

NCT trip to Chiang Mai, last week's story

NCT Travel to Chiang Mai, the last story of the week / Photo: SM
 NCT Travel to Chiang Mai, the last story of the week / Photo: SM
NCT's trip to Chiang Mai ends this week.

NCT LIFE in Chiang Mai, which is being broadcasted on Naver TV and V App Channel on Saturdays and nights at 10 pm every night from the 25th of last month, will end with broadcasting this week. The Chiang Mai section included NCT Ten, Tae Yong, Jae Hyun, Do Young and Johnny's trips to Thailand.

Last week, the members who showed the way of seeing the night safari and communicating with the animals visited the Metamangia Elephant Park at the 5th, which is broadcasted at 10 pm on the 8th, It shows the elephant show which can see glimpse of the picture, the fierce association picture quiz for the elephant boarding pass, and the fun time with elephants. 

On the 9th, the NCT members will enjoy the beautiful nature of Chiang Mai on a bamboo raft that runs along the Mt. Ding River, as well as a game of playing a team of spoons for spontaneous missions to launch missions on the raft, It is the back door that makes a big smile in the same-sex quiz by the team proceeded with hanging.

The NCT LIFE series, a variety of NCT members, will be broadcasted at 7 pm on Mondays on MBC MUSIC. The NCT LIFE Season 5 Entertainment Retreat will be on air at the same time. It will be broadcast from 17th. 

Meanwhile, 'NCT LIFE' plans to visit fans in the new season after finishing sixth season 'Chiang Mai' this week.

IU, today (7th) 2nd premiere song 'Love is well (with ohhyuk)' public

IU, today (7th) 2nd pre-release song 'Love is well (with ohhyuk)' public / photo:
 IU, today (7th) 2nd pre-release song 'Love is well (with ohhyuk)' public / photo:
The second line song of IU takes off the veil this evening.

On July 7, Pave Entertainment announced today that it will release the second song of 'I Love You' (wiht ohhyuk) 'on the various online music sites at 6 pm on the 7th.

After the 'Letter of the Night', which led to the top spot on the music chart in March, 6:00 pm on the 7th, the song 'I Love You' is a good song to take off the veil. It is the R & B number to sing.

This song especially adds to the empathy and concentration of the realistic lyrics that seem to have shifted the actual conversation, and the enchanting voice harmony of the IU and OhHyuk.In addition, Iyu and Ohhyeon write and composing songs together with unique sensitivity, while the sensuous melody depicts a unique tension, creating a more dramatic atmosphere.

As for the agency's release of 'Love is good' as a second pre-release song, "The two vocals with different colors have a positive synergy to complete the unusual track," and "I want to show it to listeners first" According to her own idea, I was able to show up before the comeback. "

"I am expecting to lead a fresh repercussion of the music industry as it is a song filled with a special affection that I finished composing song, composition, and concept image together with the musician of the same age". 

On the other hand, the music video of 'I Love You (with Oh Hyuk)', which is the second song of the 4th album of IU, will be available on each online music site at 6PM on the 7th.
IU, today (7th) 2nd premiere song 'Love is well (with ohhyuk)' public

"Once again perfect" ... 2PM, 6th concert '6Nights' held in June

"Once again perfect" ... 2PM, June 6th concert '6Nights' held / Photo: JYP provided
2PM full concert will be held in June.

2PM will hold a solo concert with title '2PM CONCERT' 6Nights' at Hwajeong Gymnasium of Korea University in Anam-dong, Seoul on June 2 ~ 4, June 9 ~ 11 6 days. The concert is a re-performance of the concert, which was being held at the SK Olympic Handball Stadium in Olympic Park, Seoul Bangi-dong, Seoul, from February 24th to February 26th and March 3rd to 5th,

Previously on June 26, Jun Kei was injured in a fracture of his right elbow and finger due to an accident during the performance on February 26, and JYP Entertainment (JYP), a subsidiary of the company, refunded the performances scheduled for March 3rd to 5th. I canceled it.

The show, which is being held in June, is expected to take part in the rehabilitation treatment, which is currently undergoing rehabilitation. 2PM is loved by focusing on individual activities after the 6th album 'GENTLEMEN'S GAME' which was announced last September.

Jun-ke was a solo album in January and met with fans. Junho was ranked first in the same time zone with a rating of over 17%. He played the role of "Seo-yeol" in the KBS2 drama " It is popular among the crowd. Taecyeon is meeting with the audience with the actor Kim Yun-jin in the movie "Time on the House" which was unveiled on the 5th.

Wooyung is going on the second Japan solo tour 'Party Shots' starting from Sapporo on April 5, and Nichkhun is cast in the web drama 'magic school' produced by JYP Pictures. Jong-Sung, who received the audience's awards at the JTBC drama 'Ms. Ms. Kim, is debuting at the theater stage through' My Love, My Bride ', which is being screened at Seoul National University's free theater from June 2 to July 30. .

This concert, which is one of the active activities of the members, will be performed by 2PM, which is performed as 'Complete'. K 's accident, it is expected that it will have great significance for both 2PM and its fans. Ticket booking for this concert will be held at Interpark, and a fan booking will be held on the 24th and a general booking will start on the 27th.

B1A4 Shinwoo casts Hamlet as musical "Hamlet" hero

B1A4 Shin Woo, Musical 'Hamlet' Casting as the main character Hamlet / Photo: WM
 B1A4 Shin Woo, Musical 'Hamlet' Casting as the main character Hamlet / Photo: WM
B1A4 Shin Woo was cast as the protagonist of the musical 'Hamlet'.

On July 7, WM Entertainment announced that Shinwoo was cast in Hamlet, the main character of Shakespeare's masterpiece "Hamlet." Shin Woo has been featured in the musical "The Three Musketeers", a previously featured work, and has attracted attention by showing explosive singing power and stable acting power each time.

Especially, he has attracted attention as a musical rising star because of his intense presence, completing his character with a soft visual and soft charm. In the musical 'Hamlet', Shinwoo will show off his softness and charisma, and show his deep inner feelings.

The musical 'Hamlet' is the work of the best male actors including Kim Soo-yong, Shin Sung-rok, Lim Tae-kyung, Park Gun-hyung, Robert Johansson's musical 'Hamlet', the director of the Czech and American original versions, will make its grand debut at the DECUBE ART CENTER in May. The Czech musical 'Hamlet', which returns to a more magnificent scale in six years, is expected to attract audiences of all ages with a cast of young senses.

This world version of the musical is a contemporary interpretation of the Czech Grammy Award and the Golden Disk Award-winning national artist Yanneg Ledektsky, and adds a beautiful melody created by Robert Johansson. Shakespeare's work is best portrayed in the original work.

On the other hand, the musical "Hamlet" starring Shin Woo will be held from Friday, May 19 to Sunday, July 23 at 8:00 pm on weekdays, 3:00 pm on Saturdays and 2:00 pm on Saturdays at 6:00 pm DECEVEB ART CENTER.

'New Record King' NCT 127, cumulative record sales volume exceeded 200,000 countdown

'New Record King' NCT 127, cumulative sales volume exceeding 200,000 sales count / Photo: SM
 'New Record King' NCT 127, cumulative sales volume exceeding 200,000 sales count / Photo: SM
NCT 127's cumulative record sales reached 200,000 units, and the number of sales reached its end.

NCT 127 released its second mini-album 'NCT # 127 LIMITLESS', released in January, and its first mini-album 'NCT # 127' released last July, according to a monthly monthly chart released on March 6, With sales of 88,922, totaling 195,293 pieces (as of March 31), reaching 200,000 cumulative sales.

NCT 127 is the second mini-album 'NCT # 127 LIMITLESS'. It has been ranked # 1 on domestic music charts, Billboard World album charts, and # 5 iTunes album charts. It exceeded 100,000 copies and became a remarkable achievement within one year of debut.

NCT 127 is currently playing Doo Young as SBS 'popular song' MC, and Johnny and Jae Hyun are on SBS Power FM 'NCT night night' DJ, and Mark has appeared on Mnet 'Higher Wrapper' As well as members of the group is also a big success.

On the other hand, NCT 127 will present a powerful stage by attending the 'V-Chart Awards', one of the biggest music awards ceremony in China on August 8.

Impact, an exciting choreography reminiscent of 'all' tension up '

Photo: Impact / Star Empire provided
 Photo: Impact / Star Empire provided
Group Impact (IMFACT) released a dance choreography video of the new song 'Tension Up'.

The Star Empire of the company has pre-screened the practice room version choreography video of 'IMFACTORY' the third new song 'tension up' through Naver V app channel of Impact (Jian, Jae-hyun, Taiho,

Impact in the public image is showing the choreography of a new song 'tension up' in a costume that is in harmony with black and white. Especially for about 4 minutes, the restless composition and choreography movements are perfect to attract attention.

The applause sound and the sound of the footsteps fit perfectly with the exciting 'tension-up', proving how long the impact has been practiced. In addition, 'Chance Up' choreography is a point choreographer 'Soojin Dance' along with an exciting party atmosphere choreography.

'Tension Up' is a dance song based on EDM. It is a song with a melody of Shin's in the chorus and a guitar solo at the end. It is a song that cheers people who are tired of everyday life and forgets a hard time in daily life. Meaningful impression table 'cheer' is.

Meanwhile, Impact will appear on KBS 2TV 'Music Bank' which is broadcasted today (7th).

Bonus Baby, April 20th comeback painting 'Boom'

Photo: Bonus Baby / Floor plan offer
 Photo: Bonus Baby / Floor plan offer
On January 1, Bonus Baby (Moonyee, Chae, Hyun, Shay, Haoyun, Gaon, Daayun), who made his first step into the music industry with his refreshing charm, is planning another cute stamp for the public on the 20th.

On March 7, the floor plan announced that it will announce the second single of bonus baby on April 20th. Bonus Baby is the youngest girl group ever recorded at the time of debut, with an average score of 16.6. With her debut song 'Our Party', the young girls' pure, .

"The second single concept of Bonus Baby is to release a cute little charm to the fans with a cute little child's heart," said Maru.

Pristine holds first mini-fan meeting since debut

Photo: Provided by Pristine / Plessis
 Photo courtesy of Pristine / Playdys
PRISTIN held a debut mini fan meeting.

On the 8th, Pristine is MBC 'Show! Music Center "After the pre-recording, I had a special time with the fans who came to the music broadcast by opening a mini fan meeting in the nearby park.

This mini fan meeting was held to thank the fans who came to support Pristin 's debut and musical stage until early morning and late hours after his debut. After his debut, Pristin's first mini-fan meeting, with over 350 fans, was able to spend time cheering on his debut and musical stage.

This mini-fan meeting started with a cake-cutting ceremony as much as the first fan meeting. It not only narrows the gap between fans and Pristine through various games, but also reads the fans' short letters written on the post-it I had time to answer questions.

In addition, the Golden numbers of the numbers distributed to the fans were selected to show a special fan event from the Pristine world to a single Polaroid photo prize. In this mini-fan meeting, which was finished by shooting group photos with fans, I was able to see Pristin's express fan love aspect.

On the other hand, Pristine is actively broadcasting with the title song "WEE WOO" of his debut album.

EXID · Tin Top, 'Mnet Presents' to release new album for the first time

Photo: EXID, Tin Top / Mnet 'Mnet Present' provided
 Photo: EXID, Tin Top / Mnet 'Mnet Present' provided
EXID and TinTop will announce the comeback signal through 'Mnet Present' which is the first place in the artist comeback stage.

Mnet's digital channel, M2's music launching project, 'Mnet Precious', will release a new song for EXID and TinTop at 11:30 am and 5:30 pm on 10th, respectively, via Mnet, M2 Facebook and YouTube channels. First public.

First, EXID will show the stage and music video of the third mini album "Eclipse", which is scheduled to be released at noon on the same day, at 11:30 am on the 10th at 11:30 am on "Mnet Precious" And will have time to talk about the new album.

EXID's new album is a song of up-tempo R & B featuring the new rhythmical melody of the title song, and the EXID's unique charm.

Then, a tin top, which releases the second regular album 'HIGH FIVE' at 6 pm on the same day, appeared at 5:30 pm, and the double title song 'Hands Only and Bleed' stage and 'Are you having fun?' The music video will be released for the first time, and the expectation is to cheer the fans with the tin-top patented knife and spectacular performance.

In addition, TinTop's second album, which starts with a new five-member group, is a hit song of TinTop, "To you", "I love you", "Long haired girl" It is an album that you can feel the musical growth of the tin top such as not only holding back with the brave brother division that produced, but also increasing the weight of the members' own composition.

Mnet Presents, the first release of EXID and TinTop's new album, is a music launching project produced by Mnet's digital channel M2. Singers will appear 30 minutes before the release of the new song, It is a differentiated content that can be met first, and it is broadcasted through M2 live streaming and broadcast channel Mnet.

Many singers including her girlfriend, Hayes, Eric Nam, Pristine, Park Kyung, etc., made their first comeback debut with this spot and became a comeback stage with high topic and content power .

On the other hand, 'Mnet Presents', which will be the first to meet new songs of EXID and Tin Top, will be broadcast simultaneously on 11th and 30th at 10:30 am on M2's Facebook, YouTube channel and Mnet.
EXID · Tin Top, 'Mnet Presents' to release new album for the first time